Energy Memory Calivita

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Energy Memory Calivita, is a natural dietary supplement with a complex composition of plant extracts, minerals and vitamins, which through its synergistic action is particularly effective in maintaining health, gives energy and puts you on your feet.

Energy Memory Calivita enlivens the whole body mentally and physically. The product is intended for people who prefer natural methods of increasing strength, concentration and memory in various life situations. It also helps with maintenance, or increasing your fitness level in everyday activities.

Energy Memory Calivita being a product in 100% natural, is aimed at students, especially to the more emotional ones. It evokes a feeling of calm and self-confidence, helps students during sessions, when they need to absorb a large amount of information in a short time, to cope with the exams. Energy Memory it is also suitable for adults and the elderly.

Energy Memory Calivita benefits

  • Maintains a high mental and physical level.
  • It stimulates the central nervous system.
  • It improves concentration and memory functions.
  • Increases the oxygenation capacity of the brain.
  • It plays a very important role in the growth and development of children and adolescents.
  • It reduces the degree of fatigue, both physical, and mental.
  • It lowers stress, especially during periods of maximum voltage.
  • It prevents the occurrence of depression, but at the same time it is particularly effective in treating anxiety and depression.
  • It delays falling asleep.
  • It improves reflexes, especially for long-distance drivers and increases their attention.
  • It increases the metabolism and reduces the feeling of hunger, making it effective in weight loss.
  • It reduces the accumulation of fat in the liver.
  • Effective in diseases of the adrenal glands.
  • Takes part in the regeneration of capillaries.
  • Beneficial in arthritis.
  • It prevents the absorption of heavy metals into the body (lead, cadmium etc.).

Who do we recommend Energy Memory Calivita to

  • Everyone, who want to maintain physical health, but above all, a high level of mental health.
  • Students, especially the more sensitive and emotional.
  • Everyone, who have problems concentrating and remembering.
  • People, who work under stress, to keep the ability to concentrate at a high level.
  • For people, who want to get rid of the feeling of fatigue, which may appear during certain business hours.
  • People, who consume alcohol regularly.
  • Drivers, to help them retain their attention and improve their reflexes when driving continuously for several hours, or at night.
  • People, performing mental work that requires increased attention and the ability to concentrate for a long time.
  • Occupying responsible positions and exposed to constant stress.
  • People suffering from depression.
  • People, who care about health and want to follow a proper diet.
  • Athletes to increase physical and mental fitness.

Energy Memory Calivita was created specifically to solve problems with memory and concentration, through complex, but extremely well composed content. The preparation includes: guarana, cholina, lecithin, vitamin C, Vitamin E, magnesium, zinc, selen. All this, thanks to the synergistic action, contributes to an increase in physical vitality, but most of all mental.



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