Iron Plus Calivita

Iron is more calivita dla

Iron Plus Calivita is a dietary supplement containing iron, which is one of the indispensable elements in life. Iron is absolutely essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin from erythrocytes (red blood cells), myoglobin from muscle cells, and some essential enzymes.

CaliVita has thought about our iron supplement needs. Thanks Iron Plus Calivita we can provide the body with this mineral, in the proportion it needs to function properly.

Calivita natural products are successfully used in natural therapies due to their unique composition. The ingredients of Calivita supplements are sourced from organic areas and processed like this, to preserve their natural healing properties. Iron is not synthesized by our body, therefore it is necessary to provide it adequately by eating iron-rich foods (of which only 2-10% absorbs), and also by using dietary supplements such as Iron Plus Calivita.

Iron in the Iron Plus supplement

The body of an average adult person contains approx 2,5-5 g of iron. Most of this amount is related to the hemoglobin in the blood, and the rest is in the ferritin, hemosiderin, myoglobin and various enzymes. The amount of oxygen, which goes to the brain, hearts, liver, muscles and other tissues depend largely on hemoglobin.

Iron, main ingredient Iron Plus also performs others, less known tasks in the body. Takes part in the processes of energy production, which is essential for cell division, and plays an important role in the healthy functioning of the body.
The human body stores iron in the bone marrow and sends it to the liver, from where it reaches the red blood cells (hemoglobin). The life span of red blood cells is just 3-4 months, and when they die, the spleen and liver break them down and retain some iron in them.

The need for iron

Massive blood loss, bleeding, leads to a reduction in the amount of iron in the body. Also by eating foods considered iron thieves (black tea, coffee, Red wine, rhubarb, beet leaves, soy products) the body can lose significant amounts of iron.

Women lose twice as much iron each month as men. A pregnant woman's body also needs double the amount of iron. The daily iron requirement of women is 15 mg, and it reaches back to pregnant women and nursing mothers 50 mg.

Iron deficiency

Is estimated, that 10–50% of infants, children, youth, older women and athletes have iron deficiency. In children, iron deficiency is manifested by a reduction in the ability to concentrate and memory, leading to a gradual lowering of the intellectual level. Iron deficiency causes brittle hair and nails, peeling of the skin, fatigue and dizziness.

Iron deficiency what to eat?

Pork liver is a natural source of iron, the kidneys, beef heart and liver, raw shells and molluscs, dried peaches, beef, egg yolk, oysters, nuts, bean, asparagus, molasses, Oatmeal. Iron Plus Calivita effectively replenishes iron levels.

What flushes iron out of the body?

Consuming a lot of coffee, tea, phospholipids in eggs, phytates in ground wheat, reduces the body's ability to absorb iron. For best assimilation, must be eaten iron in chelate form (a compound formed by combining a metal with an amino acid).

Chelation is a process, in which the minerals become digestible and can be used by the body. Iron must be in the form of gluconate for better absorption of iron in the body, fumaranu, citrate, or iron peptone (organic iron), thanks to Vitamin E it will not be neutralized and destroyed by the body.

How to quickly replenish iron in the body

The natural product CaliVita Iron Plus contains iron in chelated form, which does not cause constipation, unlike iron sulfate, which is often used in other dietary supplements. A modern product, Calivita contains in addition to iron and vitamin C. bioflawonoidy, which support the absorption of iron and enhance its effect, perfect for natural therapies.



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