Pro Selenium Calivita

For selenium calivita dla

Pro Selenium Calivita is a selenium supplement, a trace element with a strong antioxidant effect. Selenium protects the body against free radicals and plays an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system.

Calivita has thought about our selenium supply needs, so that we can supplement the deficiencies of this mineral and provide the body with everything, what it needs to function properly, through a modern product Pro Selenium obtained from natural ingredients.

Natural product Calivita they are especially useful in natural therapies due to their unique composition. Calivita supplements are made from natural ingredients sourced from ecological areas. The production is done like this, to preserve their natural healing properties.

Selenium was discovered in 1817 year, and its name derives from the Greek word selenium, which refers to its pale white color. It has long been considered a toxic compound, but scientific research of recent decades has shown, that it is an essential element of nutrition, optimizing the health of the body.

Selenium plays an important role in maintaining health. It is part of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase, thanks to which it protects cells and tissues against the harmful effects of free radicals. Ensures the healthy functioning of the immune system. It is essential for the production of iodine-containing thyroid hormones. Vegetarian diets tend to consume a small amount of selenium, therefore product supplementation Pro Selenium Calivita it is even necessary.

Good to know, that selenium and Vitamin E they work synergistically, strengthening each other's action.
Selenium slows down tissue aging, neutralizes the action of carcinogens, thus protecting the body against neoplastic diseases. It is very useful in maintaining the secretory function of the pancreas and maintaining the elasticity of tissues.

The natural sources of selenium are:

  • Brazil nuts,
  • wheat germ,
  • bran,
  • onion,
  • tomatoes,
  • broccoli,
  • tuna and salmon,
  • seafood

Who do we recommend Pro Selenium Calivita to

  • Suffering from hypothyroidism
  • People, who want strong antioxidant protection.
  • Women in the menopausal period, because it soothes hot flashes and general malaise,
  • To men, because nearly half of all selenium in the body is concentrated in the testicles and seminal tubes. Significant amounts of selenium are lost when you ejaculate.
  • Smoking cigarettes

The concentration of selenium in soil is not the same in different parts of the world, which is reflected in the amount of selenium in plants, especially in wheat. For better absorption, selenium must be in the form of organic bonds.

The natural product Pro Selenium Calivita contains selenium in this form. This ensures high quality and effectiveness of operation, making it ideal for natural therapies.


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